Team Cleaning Basics

Within a building, a group of specialists are deployed in a systematic method performing specific cleaning tasks. Although there are four types of specialists, a team can be comprised of any number of people and any configuration of the specialist depending on the site and the cleaning specifications of the building.

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Team Cleaning Benefits

Self Direction - The Starter will communicate to the Closer a variety of data which may alter the duties of the closer during the shift.

Manager’s Role/Inspect What You Expect - The manager's role is to maintain a constant inspection process.

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The Cleaning System & Team Cleaning

The Cleaning System is the ideal partner for Team Cleaning benchmarking and calculations.

The Cleaning System also provides visual reports and interfaces to allow the accurate and easy creation of Team Cleaning regimes for the operational managers.

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Zone Cleaning or Team Cleaning?

Before you decide on a cleaning system to use take a careful look at the building you are cleaning and make note of the building’s needs.  It may be time-consuming, but a thorough evaluation of the building now can make the time your staff spends cleaning more efficient.  Once you identify a building’s specific needs you can decide if zone cleaning or team cleaning provides the most benefit.


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Team Cleaning Sample Reports

The Cleaning System generates valuable imformation for your team cleaning scheduling.

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Lean Cleaning

LEAN Cleaning

Discover more about LEAN Cleaning and the Six Sigma Principles

LEAN Cleaning